• 30 m patrol

    总长:34.048M   设计水线长:30.875M   垂线间长:30.056M 
    型宽:5.20M  水线宽:5.20M   型深:2.00M   设计吃水:1.04M
  • 80m Water barge

    总长:80.00M   型宽:13.00M   型深:2.20M  设计吃水:
    0.80M   结构吃水:0.90M   肋距:0.50M   梁供:0.150M
  • 900 Class luxury liner

    总长:75M   垂线间长:67.9M   型宽12.5M   型深:5.1M 
    船员定额:20人   载客人数:835人   设计航速:18KN

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Core Value

Leading by creation, this company provides customers products and services with excellent quality at reasonable prices. All the team staff are with or above the bachelor degree, 20 of which graduated from foreign well-known universities. Our company leans mainly on designing and manufacturing energy- efficient river-sea-through vehicle、super yacht、high-speed ship、as well as providing service of consultation and testament for ships and maritime engineering, whereby it becomes the largest demonstration base of Wuhan University of Technology in the central, even the whole China.