• 30 m patrol

    总长:34.048M   设计水线长:30.875M   垂线间长:30.056M 
    型宽:5.20M  水线宽:5.20M   型深:2.00M   设计吃水:1.04M
  • 80m Water barge

    总长:80.00M   型宽:13.00M   型深:2.20M  设计吃水:
    0.80M   结构吃水:0.90M   肋距:0.50M   梁供:0.150M
  • 900 Class luxury liner

    总长:75M   垂线间长:67.9M   型宽12.5M   型深:5.1M 
    船员定额:20人   载客人数:835人   设计航速:18KN

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And Others
  • The barge is used for law enforcement and berth on water of which the structure and stability comply with the regulations of inland water navigating zone. It is non-propelled anchoring ship which is... +
  • Recently according to the requirements of the 3 year plan” prevention and control of water pollution by the provincial shipping for the capacity of emergency WUT SHIP was invited by the provincial... +