• 30 m patrol

    总长:34.048M   设计水线长:30.875M   垂线间长:30.056M 
    型宽:5.20M  水线宽:5.20M   型深:2.00M   设计吃水:1.04M
  • 80m Water barge

    总长:80.00M   型宽:13.00M   型深:2.20M  设计吃水:
    0.80M   结构吃水:0.90M   肋距:0.50M   梁供:0.150M
  • 900 Class luxury liner

    总长:75M   垂线间长:67.9M   型宽12.5M   型深:5.1M 
    船员定额:20人   载客人数:835人   设计航速:18KN

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WUT Ship "rectification ship main engine underwater exhaust and exhaust device" was authorized by patent

作者:admin     点击:1297      时间:2017-06-09

Recently, the WUT Ship was authorized by patent of "rectifier ship main engine underwater exhaust port device".

The exhaust system of modern ships generally divided into underwater exhaust, exhaust, exhaust chimney side and tail exhaust, exhaust is widely used in domestic design of large yachts and vessels is underwater exhaust and side exhaust, exhaust chimney in large vessels such as more use of ships; tail exhaust mode are mostly used in small ship jet propulsion there are few in the ship propeller driven by the tail, but the cost is the total weight of the exhaust system increase, resulting in the ship's speed is reduced. But the disadvantage of traditional underwater exhaust is high back pressure exhaust, thereby affecting the ship power play; appendage resistance increases, reduce the ship performance; exhaust air bubbles with the ship forward and be sucked into the propeller area, will make the propeller cavitations, the propulsion efficiency is greatly reduced.

The rectifier type water engine designed by the utility model exhaust overboard device, effectively reduce ship appendage resistance and flow of the exhaust backpressure is generated, leading to the main exhaust side diffusion, to ensure that the exhaust is not located in the bottom of the propeller and the propeller suction efficiency; curved plate design, /effectively reduce the exhaust resistance to reduce the power loss and the additional host; device is directly fixed on the hull structure, to the exhaust pipe and muffler must provide rigid support, favorable for vibration and noise reduction.