• 30 m patrol

    总长:34.048M   设计水线长:30.875M   垂线间长:30.056M 
    型宽:5.20M  水线宽:5.20M   型深:2.00M   设计吃水:1.04M
  • 80m Water barge

    总长:80.00M   型宽:13.00M   型深:2.20M  设计吃水:
    0.80M   结构吃水:0.90M   肋距:0.50M   梁供:0.150M
  • 900 Class luxury liner

    总长:75M   垂线间长:67.9M   型宽12.5M   型深:5.1M 
    船员定额:20人   载客人数:835人   设计航速:18KN

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Delegations from Basic Research Group of National Development and Reform Commission Pay a Visit to WUT Ship.

作者:admin     点击:1353      时间:2017-06-09

On May 12, 2017, the national development and Reform Commission, the basic division, the National Institute of integrated transportation, the Hubei provincial development and Reform Commission and other related units came to our company for investigation and survey. Accompanied by Wang Xiaogen, chairman of the company, the implementation of the standardization of the Yangtze River ship program was made thorough discussion.

During the meeting, WUT Ship dilated upon “Jianghai” direct ship---energy saving and environmental protection ship. The investigation group reviewed the ship safety index system, technical level, green low-carbon, and transportation structure with details. Meanwhile, they also fully listen to the suggestions about the sea river shipping company direct flights and other support policies.

The arrival of the research team shows that our government attaches importance to the standardization of the Yangtze ship types, and we will take this rare opportunity better and speed up the standardization process.